Monday, 11 June 2012

Full steam ahead.

I have been rushed of my feet with regards to making my felties.  I have had a lot of commission come in all at once, so busy, busy, busy.  Also had the cosplay weekend which was really good but very warm.  The only nice weather we get in ages and it happened to be when we didn't really want it.  I managed to stay in my costume, but my brother only managed about 2 hours, it was really hot.  We just have rain everyday now.  Well here is the long list of horse I have been making.
First three up are non commission felties.
Here is the lovely Saxon the heavy horse.
Next is Fleur who is kind of like a Morgan horse
Here is my first strawberry roan pony Micky
Now these next models are all commissions. First is a sweet little Exmoor pony.

This is a nice heavy Clydesdale
Here is a nice grey Arab going to the same home as the Clydesdale.

Told you there was loads.  Next up is another one of my lovely Friesian.
Thew!  I think thats it.  It's been really busy but very enjoyable.  Making another commission dapple grey Arab at the moment.  I have been making a non commission donkey as well.  
Oh well hope you enjoy my latest makes.  Thank you for spending the time to pop by.  Have a good week.